The Hero's Journey

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Are you ready to dive deeper?

If you are inspired to keep going on this journey with us, we have created a multi-chapter program called, The Hero’s Journey.

It’s a series of short videos (about 20 minutes), filled with information, tools, resources, inspiration and lots of support for you.

The Hero’s Journey is all about giving up the life you have planned so you can live the authentic life that is waiting for you

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Living life on purpose, consciously choosing to be the hero of your own journey, is not for the faint-hearted.

We all need support to help us through our lows, keep us moving forward even when it feels like the very ground we’re standing on is slipping beneath our feet and to help us find and celebrate the highs that are just waiting for us to say, “Yes”.

In chapter 1, we reflect on your key moments and the choices that got you here. This gives you the insight and clarity that will save you time, frustration and energy going forward.

What Our Heros Say